Nano-tech seminars for entrepreneurs, marketers and VC
NanoWeek is kicking off in Cleveland, Ohio, this month--and the NanoAppSummit is October 17 to 19 at the downtown Wyndham Hotel. Today the promoters announced that interested parties can attend educational seminars about nanotechnology, the hottest new science this side of stem cells. Here's the curriculum:
• Nanotechnology 101- What You Need to KnowNanotech University is designed for business executives, research and development leaders, product and marketing specialists, and venture capitalists interested in investing in nanotechnology start-up and portfolio companies. Read more and register here.
Case Western Reserve University
• Nanofabrication techniques
Pennsylvania State University
• Nano-Characterization Tools and Techniques
FEI Corporation
• NanoMaterials and Nanopolymer Basics
University of Akron
• Ethical Considerations in Nanotechnology
Office of Naval Research & Kent State University
• NanoPhotonics Applications
Ohio State University and the Center for Multifunctional NanoMaterials and Devices (CMPND)
• Measurement Considerations in Nanoscale Systems
Keithley Instruments
The Nano-App Summit takes place during NANO Week--review other activities here.

I have been involved with much of the planning of this conference which is a follow up to last years We had very strong response from the community but were asked to do a program for the industrial Nanotech community focused on applications as opposed to most events which are so reserach oriented. We reached out to Boeing, Ford and Procter and Gamble and asked them if they would come and talk about how they are using nanotech today but also to reach out to University Reserachers and start ups and ask them for their help in meeting unmet needs. This conference has limited space and we have only 30 spots left. If you want to come please sign up now we do not want anyone to be shut out at the last minutes. To date we have sign ups from 6 countries and over 20 states. We thought this may be a good way for regional companies in the Midwest to get a good view of what is occuring at other companies but we were pleasantly suprised to find that this offering had a stong international appeal. We will announce at the event this year that we will be rotating this event with the City of Albuquerque New Mexico next year to really take advantage of all the goverment funded research at Sandia, Las Alamos and UNM. We will announce dates for next years Nano AP summit. With this east/ west format both being led by not for profit volunteers interested in seeing nanotech reach the mainstream, we are sure to see this event placed on reseachers, corporate users of emerging tech and entrepreneurs calanders alike. Cleveland really has a lot of momentum in Nanotech and if you come to this event you will see what we have assembled in the past two years since the was formed.
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