Economic development guru highlights bio
Visit Don Iannone's ED Futures e-newsletter for an excellent list of bio news resources. Because of the tremendous potential the industry holds for improving economic development in regions, Iannone covers lots of interesting items that relate to biotech and biomed--they're on everyone's lips these days. Let's face it bio is the hottest industry in the world right now. And maybe, between that and nanotech, this will remain the future for a long time to come.
One of his recent entries gives extensive information about the bio industry from another excellent news sources you should check out: This is essentially a lobbying group for the well as for researchers, many from small innovative companies. They're about making the climate in Washington favorable to those who are out there struggling to give birth to cutting-edge developments.
Hmmm. Looks like I'd better add that one to the resource list, too.

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