Cloning for mad-cow-disease-resistant calves gets funding in Korea
Using the in vivo technique which is conducted in natural environments (as opposed to in vitro which are done in labs) the Korean scientist who cloned the first human embryo from stem cells early this year has received big funding for the experiment using surrogate cow mothers, some of which he's reportedly hand picked. And there's more.
"The Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) yesterday said it would pour 7.7 billion won [if my calculations are correct that's about US$6.65 million] to build the Korea National Primate Research Center by next year. The center, which the KRIBB plans to complete midway through next year, will focus on studying stem cells to produce next-generation medicines based on advanced biotechnology.
Earlier last month, Kyonggi Province and the Ministry of Science and Technology decided to shell out 7.8 billion won to set up a facility for miniature pigs, which can provide human organs for transplants."
Hwang's successful cloning may have been the beginning of a new era--unrestricted research that uses stem cells to find treatments for many chronic diseases. I personally know two people who have overcome two different almost-always fatal varieties of cancer by having had stem cell implants using their own stem cells. My guess is investors all over the world are already dumping lots of money into this research--wherever it's being done.

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