Nitric oxide speeds healing diabetic wounds in mice
One of our favorite multi-use substances, nitric oxide, is doing it again. This time it's being released to work its healing magic by a new substance called iroxanadine (now being put into the works to get approved for Phase II clinical trials). A report about the study appeared recently in a financial news source online.
Given that most treatments have focused on simply preventing infection rather than effecting healing, iroxanadine could represent a whole new way to look at treating the nearly-inevitable foot sores and other problems of diabetic patients. Like stem-cell therapy, a non-invasive method that mobilizes the body's own resources--like nitric oxide--to do the work they are fully capable of doing. The manufacturer, CytRx Corporation, says: iroxanadine promotes healing by normalizing endothelial dysfunction through the molecular chaperone amplification pathway, as well as releasing endothelial nitric oxide synthase from its negative regulator caveolin."
Seems these days scientists are regularly experiencing breakthroughs like this. What a great time to be in the bioscience field.
A few other posts about NO: wound healing with light, stored blood helper, fighting TB...oh, there are too many. Just use the search box in the left margin.
Labels: diabetic healing, exhaled nitric oxide, iroxanadine, wound healing

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