Power plant emissions intensify pollution in hot weather
We all want more electrical power when the weather's hot. After all, who doesn't have air conditioning today? Not many of us city dwellers. This new report brings bad news. "Measuring emissions from a power plant in eastern Pennsylvania in July 1995, Princeton University scientists found that a given amount of nitrogen oxide produced much more ground-level ozone on warmer days than on cooler ones. On hot days, they calculated, emissions from a plant upwind of a densely populated area could lead to more than three times as many deaths as in cool weather.
"...The Clean Air Interstate Rule finalized in March aims to cut overall nitrogen oxide emissions from utilities by 61 percent in the next decade..."
Guess we'd better start thinking now of ways to get along with less AC in the future. Maybe we'll have to start sitting on our front porches again--of course, most of us will have to build one first.

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