Powerful, fast-recharging battery may relieve guilt
Now here's what sounds like a good use for nano-materials--and hopefully not a dangerous one. 'Twould be grand if this were brought to market soon. Though I love wireless devices for their convenience, I hate the constant purchasing, replacing and feeling-guilty-when-trying-to-decide-how-to-dispose of the typical ones. "Please discard properly. Batteries can leak... blah, blah" -- the little environmental consciousness part of my conscience nags me every time I throw them in the garbage...
Happy news from Nokia: Using nanocrystals, Nokia has invented (it's still in testing)"a rechargeable battery that can be fully charged in just 6 minutes, lasts 10 times as long as today's rechargeables and can provide bursts of electricity up to three times more powerful is showing promise in a Nevada lab."

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