What price, success? What definition...
"Every individual has some advantage over all others because he possesses unique information of which beneficial use might be made, but of which use can be made only if the decisions depending on it are left to him..."
- Friedrich August Von Hayek, Nobel Laureate, 1945
What an appropriate observation--made so many decades ago by this brilliant mind--about the business of research and investigation. So what does it mean to say that your information is totally unique, but that its benefits will only manifest themselves if you, specifically, have the ability to decide what to do with it?
A powerful idea, indeed, that has implications far beyond the simple sharing of information. Implications about how important is the part that you--just you, not you compared to how important you are in relation to others--play in the shaping of the very universe we inhabit. Implications about the far-reaching effects possible when you empower people. Implications about the waste involved in not recognizing the special contribution of every individual.
Happily in bioscience and other scientific disciplines, recognition for your unique contribution isn't hard to come by if you're an investgator. What's not so easy is recognizing the special contributions of those in less august occupations in the industry, like lab assistant. Or of those in related but less august jobs such as vendor or public relations person.
Human relations mean the world to success, whether we're willing to admit it or not. But then, I guess we have to discuss what's the definition of success. And therein might lie the main points of difference...

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