Northeast Ohio neurology people get together
Attended a lively event last night in which biomed researchers and device manufacturers got together to show off their specialties in neurology. Cleveland Medical Device owner Bob Schmidt hosted the NEOBio event at his company's facilities in the midtown area of Cleveland--a formerly rundown area that's being renovated with the help of federal Empowerment Zone funds and the commitment of many business owners.
We heard fascinating stories about what's being done--what's actually out there being used to make human lives easier for those who suffer injuries and disease--and what they're studying to create for the future. Most inspiring. I'll be featuring a few of the companies/researchers I met starting later this week.
It's great to see people out there just doing it. Met a woman who's been around the Cleveland science scene a long time--and she remembered when Bob Schmidt and others were starving trying to get going. Good to know that determination and good ideas together do survive.

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