Magnetic brain stimulation, stem cell work give hope for Parkinson's
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Helpful for Depression in PD: "Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is as effective as fluoxetine for the treatment of depression in patients with Parkinson's disease, according to the results of a placebo-controlled trial published in the August issue of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. "
Scientists have hope that using adult stem cells will lead to greater improvements in helping Parkinson's disease ( and many others). This from a Medscape article on potential uses of stem cells:
"Stem cells or cells with stem-like qualities have been isolated or
described in a number of tissues including neural, pancreatic, epidermal,
mesenchymal, hepatic, bone, muscle, and endothelial tissues.[9-18] Reports have
suggested that cells found in bone marrow are capable of giving rise to
endothelial precursors, brain tissue, skeletal and cardiac muscle, hepatic
cells, and mesenchymal progeny.[6,15,19-23] Other reports suggest that in
culture, stem cells of neural or muscle origin can give rise to hematopoietic
cells.[24,25] Therefore, there is emerging evidence for a greater than
These possibilities are astounding. I know personally at least two people who have had stem cell implants--a procedure they described as pretty horrific--and conquered diseases formerly thought to be invariably rapid death sentences .

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