Last chance for discounts at BIO's Mid-America VentureForum
Looks like you'll be able to learn something at BIO's conference this September 21 to 23 in Minneapolis. The lineup of speakers and topics is eloquent:
- Opening session: The Future of Emerging Markets in Biotechnology, Pharma, and Medical devices
- Partnering Workshop: The Future of Strategic Alliances
- Finance Workshop: Financing Health Care Companies: Trends in Deal Structures, Medical Devise versus Biopharmaceutical Companies, and Financing Companies in Various Geographic Markets
- University Tech Transfer Workshop: Creating Bridges Between the Worlds of University Technologies, Industry, and the Investment Community
- Valuation and IP Workshop: Under the Microscope: How IP Valuation Influences Investment Decisions
- Are We There Yet - Raising a Life Science Company in the Midwest
- Convergence Workshop: Biotech - Medical Device Convergence
- Reimbursement Workshop: Changes and Trends in Third Party Payer Policy: Impact on Novel Drugs and Devices
Today's the last chance to get discounted registration and hotel rates. See more at BIO's website.